After Hearing Strange Noises, Man Is Startled To Find Lynx And 7 Kits On Porch
3 years ago
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Tim Newton from Alaska had an amazing experience!
“Tim was awakened by noises on [his] deck last week – and looked outside. In astonishment, he grabbed his camera.. and can you believe it? Mama Lynx and her SEVEN kits!!” – he later wrote on his Facebook page.
“She called to them and they all lined up right outside in front of where he was standing (he was inside the screen door!) Amazing ALASKA WILDLIFE!!! They proceeded to run and play on our deck, and then in our yard!”
“I’ve concluded that lynx must spend 1 percent of their waking lives chasing rabbits, and 99 percent chasing their kids. It was pretty much non-stop frolicking and rough-housing.”
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