She Sees Something Tiny, Barely Breathing On The Sidewalk In The Rain. Then She Realized What It Was…
6 years ago
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Reddit user about his mother finding a newborn kitten in the rain. The poor thing was lying all alone and she knew she had to help.
The newborn kitten couldn’t even open her eyes yet, but here she was all alone.
Knowing she wouldn’t survive here, Klaanigan’s mother scooped the kitty up and put her in the only thing she had: a paper wrapper.
She rushed the poor little kitten home to dry her off and give her a warm bottle.
The family named the kitten Iris and said that she’s doing well now. What a little trooper!
Kudos to this family for giving this helpless kitten all the love and care that she needed. We hope that Iris continues to thrive and lives the life she deserves.
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