Devoted Stork Flies Thousands Of Miles Each Year Just To Visit His Injured Soul Mate
There are two storks in Croatia that are proving just how strong the power of love can be. In August, every year, a male stork named Klepetan migrates to South Africa and leaves behind Malena, his female partner. Mostly all storks make this trek, however, Malena cannot make the 8,000 mile journey since she was injured by a hunter 15 years ago. While Klepetan is away, she stays cozy at their nest located on the red rooftop in a small village.
Storks don’t necessarily mate for life, but every March, Klepetan comes back to reunite with his partner and stay through Spring and Summer. This year, Kleptan actually arrived one week earlier than his expected date!
According to Stjepan Vokić, who owns the roof they live on, “the two birds have apparently raised 40 children of their own over the years and are still inseparable during their time together.”
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