Dog Brothers Simply Can’t Get Enough Of Their Brand New Duckling Siblings
For the longest time, all Pikelet And Patty Cakes wanted … were ducks.
The two brothers loved each other dearly, but what they really wanted were tiny duck siblings to nurture and play with for the rest of their days. It seemed like an impossible dream … until one day, it came true.
Patty Cakes and Pikelet’s parents decided to foster two little ducklings rescued by Wollongong Animal Rescue Network, and the brothers literally could not have been more excited about it.
The little ducks are named Penguin and Popinjay, and they love their new dog brothers right back.
The ducks are so tiny and need major protecting, and so that’s what the brothers do.
All. Day. Long.
All in all though, the ducklings seem to be everything the brothers have ever dreamed about, and I’m sure they will be pretty heartbroken when the ducks finally have to go off to their new forever home.
Until then, keep on loving those adorable ducklings, boys!
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