Unwanted Pit Bull Finally Found A Loving Home With 9 Puppies Who Desperately Needed A Mom
Forever Friends Animal Rescue saved Star, a Pit Bull, from a shelter because no one wanted to adopt her. But maybe that happened for a reason, you see, Star found a family of her own.
This beautiful, loving and maternal Pibble ‘adopted’ nine puppies who were in a similarly dire situation. According to the Geelong Advertiser, the 5 week old puppies mother, Jewel, was in severe distress when she was found and was rushed to the vet, but sadly, Jewel did not survive. It’s probable that Jewel came from a backyard breeder and had as many as five litters in as few as three years. Having that many puppies in such a short amount of time was a terrible strain on poor Jewel.
The puppies were ldevastated after their mom’s passing. Their future got a lot brighter when Forever Friends Animal Rescue placed them in foster care. There they met Star.
The rescue’s president, Saskia Adams, told the Geelong Advertiser:
“To our astonishment, she’s taken the puppies under her wing as a surrogate mother.”
Forever Friends Animal Rescue reached out to their community and raised $8,500 to help with the medical cost for the puppies. With the combined efforts of Star and this rescue, we are pleased to let you know that all nine puppies have now found homes and are happy and healthy! Star has also found a forever home of her own!
While the rescue was saddened by the horrific events that led up to Jewel’s death, they are grateful to Star for transforming into the perfect momma to help save the lives of nine very lucky pups!
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