Everyone Should Know Why Certain Dogs You See Are Wearing Yellow Ribbons Or Leashes…
Dogs are loyal, adorable, and can be super playful and friendly. However, not every dog. In fact, some dogs just need their space, and that is why The Yellow Dog Project was formed.
In 2012 by Tara Palardy of Alberta, Canada, formed The Yellow Dog Project while trying to bring about public awareness for DINOS: Dogs In Need Of Space. If you see a yellow ribbon or something yellow on a dog’s leash, it is a warning sign to give them some room.
You may be inclined to pet and snuggle every dog you see, but there are several reasons that may not be appropriate. When you see the yellow ribbon, proceed with caution.
A dog wearing a yellow ribbon may be doing so for one of many reasons: it’s currently in training, being rehabilitated, has some health issues, or maybe it just doesn’t react well around other dogs. You should maintain a distance and ask the owner any questions.
This does not necessarily mean the dog is aggressive, it may just mean that the dog needs some space. Dogs have different emotions just like humans.
The Yellow Dog Project says that tying a yellow ribbon on your dog’s collar doesn’t excuse neglect or poor training. It is not a waiver of your responsibility to properly raise a dog.
If you see a dog with a yellow ribbon or leash, proceed with caution and do not approach. That dog needs some space to breathe.
What a great idea! Help spread the word and keep these dogs as comfortable as can be.
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